Do you know?
18% of Canadians live in rural communities, but only 8% of the physicians in Canada are serving them. Rural and remote communities don't have equitable access to healthcare services Canadian Institude for Health Information
Our Solution
Our solutions for these problems is sonography robots from EchoBotics. You may think that these types of equipment are costly and not many clinics can afford them, but EchoBotics working style is to lease equipment annually at a logical and fair price. In addition, there is no need to be trained technicians to work with the device and no need for technical force to repair and maintain it, and the most predominant feature is that the best and most famous sonography specialists from all over the country will be at your disposal.

How ECHOBOTCS works:

  • Remote clinic books an appointment with Echobotics sonograghers.
  • Sonogragher provides service from their office to any healthcare center
  • Echobot will operate with supervision of a nurse
  • Sonogragher sends the results to the clinic through our platform